
L’extension SEO de Squirrly

The Number 1 AI Holistic SEO Software. Optimize SEO, Traffic, Social Media, Backlinks, InnerLinks, Content. AI to simplify your path to rankings.
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June 17, 2024
Installations actives
L’extension SEO de Squirrly

SEO Plugin by Squirrly SEO Newton: the #1 Holistic SEO Software + WordPress SEO Plugin, powered by AI.

Vos défis SEO – résolus.

Introducing: the first AI-driven, holistic SEO assistant.

Smart business owners prefer a single, integrated platform like Squirrly SEO: Newton. With it, businesses can streamline their SEO processes, ensuring that every aspect of SEO—from keyword research to performance tracking—is harmonized and easily manageable from one centralized location. This integration significantly reduces complexity, saves time, and improves the effectiveness of SEO initiatives.

You can start implementing Holistic SEO, driven with the power of two different AIs we have in the free version of Squirrly SEO.

This is the AI SEO Plugin you were looking for.

In 2024, Google is analyzing more ranking factors than ever. We know that because our custom-built AI, called Ranking Vision AI, keeps learning and adapting the scores we reference inside our SaaS+plugin setup.

If you only work on one aspect, for example: technical SEO, your SEO just won’t work. – this was possible years ago, but no longer possible with today’s Google algorithm updates.

You need a Holistic approach to win, and you need to take good care of all your marketing aspects. Squirrly SEO is the only one to help you with that.

With two powerful AIs inside, you’ll always know what to do, what to target to attract more clients and how to focus on exactly the next steps that will improve rankings.

One AI, is custom-built by our company, using years of study on hundreds of thousands of websites. Ranking Vision AI

The other one is an AI we developed for Keyword Research and Keyword Analysis (based on GPT4). AI Keyword Research Tools

With these two AIs and Squirrly SEO’s holistic approach to SEO, you will use the Full Force of SEO to outrank your competitors.

Full Force of SEO. And Force is measure in Newton, for those of you who want to know why we chose the new name.

Full Force of SEO: All (all the types with the best support) Schema Rich Results, Automated and Manual Inner Links, Redirects, Keyword Research Tools, Keyword Portfolio Management and tracking, Real-Time Content Optimization Tools, SEO Audits, SERP Checker, Traffic Audits, Social Media Audits, Backlink Audits, Web Authority Analysis, Competitor Analysis (with the SaaS side. included in FREE), Local SEO support, Rank Tracking Tools, Technical SEO.


Read the success stories we link to on the line above.

Without implementing Holistic SEO and being guided through the process by an AI, those results would have been impossible to achieve with plugins that don’t offer real SEO tools, like the ones you expect from Ahrefs and SEMrush.

This is why you will rank high on Google using our SEO Plugin

SEO Focus and Holistic Simplicity is Only Possible With Squirrly SEO:

Nobody in the SEO field right now can offer a tool as advanced as the Focus Pages tool you will find inside Squirrly SEO.

We also offer training and coaching from to all users who join our SaaS + Plugin. 139,000 students have learned from our lessons over the years.

Our story started in 2012, and by 2024 we became the Two-Years-In-A-Row Most Awarded SEO Tool of the year. More info about this on our site. Squirrly Company Details

This AI SaaS + SEO Plugin package has received so many awards over the years. Awards

Many innovations in Marketing Technologies, that impressed Microsoft, BBC, CyberGhost, TopGear, CreativeMarket, ThemeIsle, ElegantThemes and other big clients. See Innovations

Powered by a strong United Kingdom-based company that created, marketed and sold over 29 SaaS and plugins over 12 years.

Our innovations were covered by all the major Press publications. Press

Influencers love the products we make for the technical quality we offer. See What Influencers Think

What matters most to us, though is this:

Recommandé par des milliers d’utilisateurs satisfaits

Squirrly SEO est l’extension WordPress SEO populaire que les experts NON-SEO utilisent pour augmenter leur trafic sur les moteurs de recherche. Elle offre le même niveau de conseils qu’un consultant humain, mais avec plus de précision et de personnalisation.

Atteignez le succès du référencement en suivant les objectifs de référencement quotidiens et en utilisant les outils de référencement intégrés de Squirrly pour obtenir des classements plus élevés avec moins d’effort.

Rejoignez une énorme communauté d’utilisateurs à succès qui se classent sur la première page de la recherche Google avec Squirrly SEO.

Voir les histoires de réussite des utilisateurs de WordPress qui ont suivi les conseils de Squirrly ici (cliquez)

« I’ve used many other SEO plugins out there: Yoast, Rank Math, WP All in One SEO, but Squirrly has outclassed them all. »

Cela fait 4 ans que je suis un expert en référencement, et à partir de maintenant Squirrly sera mon premier choix pour implémenter des stratégies SEO pour mes clients.

C’est d’une simplicité enfantine, parfait pour celles et ceux qui n’ont aucun bagage en référencement.

Zuzanna Kruger (professionnelle du référencement)

(testimonial source: Product Hunt)

Squirrly SEO: Newton is the first « AI-driven, holistic SEO assistant » that simplifies complexity, making it the go-to solution for business owners and entrepreneurs.

SEO is complex because Google wants it to be (and let’s be honest for a moment: it needs it to be).

Remember a few months ago when everyone tried to game the FAQ schemas? – they figured it out and removed them.

In 2024, SEO is not a one trick pony anymore. SEO can be completely NOT overwhelming at all if:

  1. You don’t (yes, do not) do SEO the right way and focus only on meta tags or getting rich snippets for the site. Or any of these: « I need to do only one thing approaches. » – it won’t be overwhelming, but it won’t help you either. Good luck ranking like that.

  2. You use the Next SEO Goals feature from your Squirrly SEO, and only work on what’s needed, when it’s needed, using exactly the tools it tells you to use. – which is the smart way of working on your SEO, backed by real data, not guesswork and weird luck.

The goals are tailored to each site and set of focus pages you choose (for real; many claim this, but they don’t have any system in place).

And then you get to be walked through all the complexities analyzed by Focus Pages (which take you from basic SEO to actual Holistic SEO, so you can use the full force to your advantage). However, with Next SEO Goals you’ll be able to fully focus on the next step that drives bigger rankings.

The people who were successful with Squirrly SEO have used the Next SEO Goals to work on what matters (because our systems analyze data from WP and also from many of our cloud services). Some of them have even gone through the 14 Days Journey to learn more about SEO.

They have chosen option number 2.

When you look at this table, where you see that your version of Squirrly SEO does a lot more than Ahrefs (for the usecases we target), SEMrush, Yoast, Rank Math, it may feel overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be if you start working with the AI Consultant we’ve built.

You can use Squirrly SEO on easy mode or on hard mode. It’s up to you and your skill level.

But don’t worry: using it on easy mode will get you plenty results. Once you learn more about SEO, you’ll be able to use more of the tools inside and make more customizations.

It’s SaaS+plugin. Our plugin loads fast, and the real heavy lifting is done by our company’s servers, not yours. Doesn’t matter if you don’t use one of the tools right now. It doesn’t cost you « compute » – I hate that term, but it’s so fresh.

In the beginning: stick with the Next SEO Goals and if you’re a bit more advanced work on your Holistic SEO with Focus Pages and focus on turning red elements to green.

That’s how you win. – Focus Pages is the way, once you get to know Squirrly SEO better. Ranking Vision AI powers its Chances of Ranking score, and I think it’s the only AI of its kind.

En fait, Squirrly couvre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour optimiser et réussir votre SEO avec WordPress.

Over 650 features pre-configured for you during install, so that you don’t have to work on configurations!

Check out every single feature you can get inside: Every single feature

Squirrly SEO effectue tous les réglages importants pour vous dès que vous démarrez et terminez l’assistant de configuration.

Pas besoin de faire des allers-retours entre les onglets pour faire des recherches de mots clés, créer du contenu SEO, optimiser complètement votre site Web et vos pages et suivre leurs performances SEO.

L’optimisation du référencement n’a jamais été aussi simple.

Migrez vos données en toute sécurité à partir de :

  • Rank Math, Yoast, All in One SEO, SEO Framework, SEO Press, SEO Pressor, Add Meta Tags Plugin, Gregs High Performance SEO, Headspace 2, Platinum SEO Pack, SEO Title Tags, SEO Ultimate Plugin.


« When you’re new to SEO like me, some dark corners of content optimization can be hard to figure out. With Squirrly SEO’s full suite of tools, all I have to do is follow their instructions. »

It is straightforward, so anyone can use this easy-to-use tool by simply following the navigation they’re given, giving you undeniable confidence that if you put work into your site, you will get the results you want!

Masatoshi Matsumiya (Source du témoignage : Product Hunt)

With Squirrly SEO: Newton, users can:

Consolidate Costs: Reduce the financial burden by replacing multiple subscriptions with one comprehensive tool. Centralize Data: Access all SEO data from a single dashboard for clearer insights and more informed decision-making. Save Time: Spend less time switching between tools and more time implementing effective SEO strategies. Align Strategies: Ensure all SEO activities are synergized, from keyword research and content optimization to technical audits and link building. Stay Updated: Benefit from a tool that evolves with SEO trends, offering the latest features and updates in real time.

With Squirrly SEO: Newton, the entire SEO process becomes more manageable, efficient, and aligned with the latest industry standards, allowing users to focus more on growing their business and less on juggling tools.

What’s Next

If you like our WordPress SEO plugin, then consider checking out our other projects:


  • Florin Muresan – PDG de Squirrly
  • Calin Vingan – CTO chez Squirrly
  • Sorel Nagy – Développeur
  • Andreea Leau – VP Marketing
  • Cristina Leau – Créatrice de mascotte Squirrly
  • Alexandra Nicola – COO chez Squirrly
  • Teodora Vingan – Analyste SEO
  • Irina Pogor – Rédactrice de contenu
  • Ana Darstaru – Chef du service client
  • Lucian Nertan – Vice-président de l’agence
  • Rares Papita – CHO


  • Ibrahim Evsan, serial entrepreneur, l’un des blogueurs les plus connus d’Allemagne
  • Philipp Kandal, co-fondateur et CTO de Skobbler (récemment acquis pour 24 M$ par Telenav)

Milles mercis.


Squirrly est gratuit à utiliser. La version du répertoire WP installera la version gratuite.

Vous pourrez utiliser ce logiciel de référencement une fois que vous aurez installé l’extension et utiliser votre e-mail pour vous connecter à

Pour des besoins plus importants en matière de marketing de contenu et de référencement, vous pouvez consulter notre site officiel pour voir ce que propose l’offre PRO.

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Installations actives
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