Search WooCommerce orders quickly. Suitable for sites with a large number of orders and not using HPOS yet.
Mis à jour récemment
May 14, 2024

This is a small utility plugin which speeds up order search process for large WooCommerce stores that haven’t switched to HPOS yet.

How to use this plugin ?

Install the Plugin and go to WooCommerce > Speedy Order Search to get started.

Plugin Features

  • Search by billing email
  • Search by billing and shipping address
  • Search by phone
  • Search by Order ID
  • Search by any order meta (Useful for searching orders by custom meta such as tracking number for example)

Feel free to ask us any questions in the support section.

Gratuitsur le plan Creator
En procédant à l’installation, vous acceptez les Conditions d’utilisation de ainsi que les Conditions de l’extension tierce.
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.