Smart Grid is a super responsive and very advance wordpress Plugin. You can Display Post, WooCommerce Produce and Portfolio as Grid View with this PL …
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October 27, 2019
Installations actives
Smart Grid

Smart Grid is a super responsive and very advance wordpress Plugin . It’s has a nice plugin option. You can easily controle it from plugin option.


  • Display you blog post
  • Display Your Woocommerce Product
  • DIsplay Your Portfolio
  • Nice Plugin Option
  • Easy To Customise
  • All Shortcode Available
  • and more feature

How to use this plugin:-

Use " [smart_grid_post]" this shortcode to display your post as grid view Use " [smart_grid_product]" this shortcode to display your WooCommerce Product as grid view Use " [smart_grid_portfolio]" this shortcode to display your Portfolio grid view You can also easily select page template from page attribute to display anygrid
Gratuitsur le plan Creator
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.