This plugin contains amazing looking, sketched icons for only the top social bookmarking sites.
Mis à jour récemment
November 5, 2011
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This plugin contains amazing looking, sketched icons for only the top social bookmarking sites.

Quit confusing your readers with dozens of bookmarking options and start to really go after those bookmarking sites that are actually getting used with these amazing looking sketch icons.

This plugin will duplicate the social icons that you see at the bottom of every article on Site Sketch 101. I have also provided you with the options to choose which of the icons you wish to display and which of them you would prefer to hide.

Plugin Features

  • Design: This plugin features 6 Amazing looking sketched social icons that will set you apart from the crowd. You will draw people into bookmarking with this attractive display.

  • Options: We provide the options to choose which buttons to display. You can customize this plugin to represent the most important bookmarking sites or to accommodate smaller post widths.

A Product of Site Sketch 101

Sketch Bookmarks was created by Nicholas Cardot from Site Sketch 101. If you’re looking for the tips, advice, and knowledge necessary to make your blog into something amazing and influental then check out Site Sketch 101.

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Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.