With simple shortcode, Masonry Layout in action.
Mis à jour récemment
October 4, 2023
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Simple Masonry Layout

A Simple Masonry Layout plugin. with simple shortcode, You can add Masonry Layout For Posts , custom post types .And Even Masonry Layout Gallery For Posts and custom post type. Very easy to Use with very simple shortcodes. Better Grid View of Posts, custom post types.

This plugin will modify your Blogs to better looking advance Masonry(Grid) Layout with use of simple available shortcodes.

  • Masonry Layout Blog.
  • Masonry Layout Blog from Specific Category.
  • Masonry Layout custom post type.
  • Masonry Layout Gallery For Posts
  • Masonry Layout with Simple Responsive Gallery Popup.
  • Simple Shortcode can be used for Masonry Layout.
  • Shortcode can be either used in editor or can be used in template files.

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