
WordPress Mega Menu – QuadMenu

Le mégamenu le plus réactif conçu pour les développeurs de thèmes avec des dispositions de menu personnalisables et des champs de glisser-déposer.
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June 19, 2024
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WordPress Mega Menu – QuadMenu

Le mégamenu le plus réactif conçu pour les développeurs de thèmes avec des dispositions de menu personnalisables et des champs de glisser-déposer.


Premium | Démo | Documentation | Développeurs | Communauté

QuadMenu is a WordPress Mega Menu that will allows you easily integrate the menu in your theme’s project. This plugin allows you to create mega menus, tabs menus and carrousel menus in a simple and native way converting your existing menu into a powerful tool.

Points forts

  • Intégration simple et automatique du menu simple au mégamenu.
  • Menu intuitif, options de menu méga faciles à définir.
  • Menu entièrement réactif.
  • Customizable mega menu, gives the possibility to add or remove fields, and modify option with simple drag & drop.


This WordPress Mega Menu is a responsive menu, which means that the layout will fit all screen sizes. Nevertheless, the difference with other alternatives is that the touch screen events have been incorporated natively, substantially improving the user experience in touch screens.

Mises en page

Pliable | Hors canevas | Vertical | Barre latérale

We also must mention the variety of available layouts that highlights this wordpress mega menu over other alternatives. This is the first mega menu that’s all in one solution, as you’ll be able to create an horizontal or vertical menu in desktop devices and collapsible or offcanvas menu in mobile.


The drag and drop admin panel is another key feature that stand out this megamenu. From the native menu administration panel you can manage all the content of your megamenu trough a drag and drop interface that allows you to add new elements, create columns and add widgets or any other type of element available in the native WordPress menu metaboxes.


Finally, we must stand out the integration with the customizer dashboard. This is a feature that’s only available in the premium megamenu version and is an important feature if you will include this plugin in your themes project, as this allows you and your end users to tweak all menu color scheme or layout settings and see the effect of that changes in real time.


Développeurs | Documentation

QuadMenu has been designed by developers for developers. For them, we have included a vast number of filters that let you change the style and behavior of your WordPress Menu, simplifying the integration with your products.


  • Intégration automatique et manuelle des menus
  • Construction étendue du système de menu WordPress standard
  • Prend en charge plusieurs emplacements de menu
  • Drag and Drop admin builder
  • Affichez les widgets WordPress dans votre menu
  • Prise en charge des thèmes enfants
  • Thèmes de menu illimités
  • Mégamenu vertical
  • Mégamenu horizontal
  • Mégamenu hors canevas
  • Menu fixe
  • Click or use the hoverIntent plugin to open links
  • Align links options
  • Options des menus déroulants flottants
  • Customizable breakpoint for menu collapse
  • Show or hide items depending on the screen size
  • Prise en charge des icônes Font Awesome
  • Google Fonts
  • Animations déroulantes
  • Support pour Visual Composer
  • Mégamenu
  • Icons Menu
  • Menu de recherche
  • Menu du panier

Pro Features:

  • Menu des onglets
  • Menu de connexion
  • Register Menu
  • Menu social
  • Menu carrousel
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