pymSEO is a collection of functions that solve the most common problems of WordPress.
Mis à jour récemment
February 25, 2020
Installations actives

pymSEO is a collection of functions that solve the most common problems of WordPress.


  • Disable embeds
  • Remove RSD Link
  • Remove Shortlink
  • Remove wlwmanifest Link ** Update file types **
  • .svg .json .rar .7z


  • Remove QueryStrings
  • Remove Jquery Migrate
  • Move scripts head to footer
  • Defer parsing of Javascript
  • Disable Heartbeat
  • Disable Emojis
  • Enable Swap Google Fonts display ** Minify HTML **
  • Minify HTML
  • Minify inline JavaScript
  • Remove HTML, JavaScript and CSS comments ** Cache **
  • Enable gzip compression
  • Expire headers
  • Remove eTags header ** Images **
  • Activate Lazy Load in images and iframes
  • Controls the quality of the generated image sizes for every uploaded image. ** CDN **
  • Use CDN

Crawl Budget

  • Remove tags | tag.php
  • Remove author | author.php
  • Remove date and archives | date.php
  • Remove dates from WordPress Posts X Days
  • noindex nofollow 404 error pages


** Steganography ** * Remove the WordPress Version Number * Disable Server Signature * Blocking Author Scans ** Login page ** * Change login error message * Change session expire time ** Jquery ** * Update jQuery in the front end ** Others ** * Disable Self Pingbacks * Disable XML-RPC authentication * Disable XML-RPC * Remove REST API Links


** Search ** * If there is only one search, redirect automatically to the result. * Change ?s=search_term to a permanent link /search/search_term * Change number of search results ** Categories ** * Remove slug category url ** Accessibility * Add metatag viewport ** RSS * Disable RSS Feeds * Delay posts from appearing in wordPress RSS feed * Add featured image in RSS Feed publications


  • Enable GDPR
  • Text indicating that your site uses cookies.
  • Text to close the notification.
  • Text for the link that will display the page with more information
  • Link to the page that contains information about cookies


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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.