Get Nicescroll and a ScrollTop button! I really like InuYaksa's Nicescroll JS plugin. I'm a fan. And I thought there may be others like me w …
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September 24, 2023
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Get Nicescroll and a ScrollTop button! I really like InuYaksa’s Nicescroll JS plugin. I’m a fan. And I thought there may be others like me who would enjoy using his famous library with a simple interface. So I came up with this plugin. It is a wrapper for that popular library, which is developed and maintained by InuYaksa. You can visit his official Nicescroll homepage here. An overview of the default parameters can be found on Github at the bottom of the page. This plugin enables you to use the Nicescroll scrollbar on both the frontend and the backend. It is fully customizable, you can tweak and tune every single parameter Nicescroll has to offer! You can style it totally different for both views. It’s all up to you!


  • Nicescroll
  • ScrollTop Button
  • Frontend and Backend

Configuration minimale

  • PHP 5.6+

Known issues

  • There may be issues with scrolling, if you are trying to scroll with a pen or the middle mouse button.


  • Not yet compatible with PHP version 8 and above
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