
Microstock Powersearch Plugin

The Microstock Powersearch Plugin makes it quick and easy to find awesome and affordable stock photographs from microstock photography agencies.
Mis à jour récemment
September 28, 2010
Installations actives

The Microstock Powersearch Plugin makes it quick and easy to find awesome and affordable stock photographs from several microstock photography agencies.

The plugin suggests related searches to your post content, and displays search results in the edit-post page for either new images or each agency’s ‘best match’ search for upto 5 microstock image licensing agencies in a neat grid. Clicking any of these thumbnails will open a larger preview (in a cool lightbox format). Click the image if you want to license it and a new tab will open with the agency page.

The 5 included agencies are:

  • Fotolia

  • Dreamstime

  • Shutterstock

  • 123 Royalty Free

  • Bigstock

With more coming in future.

This is an expansion of a firefox microstock addon which has been live for almost 2 years, and has recently come to the chrome browser too in this new and more shiny format. The plugin is lightweight and fast, and makes it really easy to search the agencies for royalty free images to license for as little as $1. It’s a great way to quickly, easily, and most importantly legally obtain amazing photos, illustrations, clipart or textures for your blog.

Please review with your feedback, and let me know about any problems or if you have suggestions to make the Microstock Photo Powersearch Plugin even better.

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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.