Meta Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that helps you speed up your website by using meta data. It lets you optimize the meta tables for your posts, com …
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September 12, 2023
Meta Optimizer

This plugin optimizes WordPress meta data storage by saving all meta data for each post, comment, user, or term in a single row with separate columns for each meta key. This reduces the number of rows and improves the query performance and data export. The plugin works seamlessly with WordPress core functions and hooks, and supports any plugins that use them. Some of the features of this plugin are:

  • Custom database tables for each type of meta data (post, comment, user, term)
  • Compatibility with WordPress queries
  • Faster queries and easy data export
  • Data migration from default WordPress meta tables
  • Option to exclude specific fields from core meta tables
  • Support for popular plugins and themes such as Advanced Custom Fields, Meta Box, CMB2, and more.
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Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.