
MaxiCharts Gravity Forms Source add-on

Extends MaxiCharts to chart Gravity Forms data.
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September 20, 2021
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MaxiCharts Gravity Forms Source add-on

Extends MaxiCharts to chart Gravity Forms data with a simple shortcode. Requires installation and activation of free MaxiCharts plugin. And of course Gravity Forms.

>> Demonstration site <<

All code has been moved to GitHub now : MaxiCharts on Github


Use the post visual editor brand new button to add the as many shortcodes as you want in a few clics !

the shortcode is

[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="form_id" include="fieldNb1,fieldNb2,fieldNb3,.." exclude="fieldNb4,fieldNb5,..." color_set="set" type="graphType" width="width(px|%)" float="true|false" chart_js_options="options"]

where all parameters are optional:

  • gf_form_id : expects the form ID in Gravity Forms (defaults to first form : id=1)
  • type : is the type of graph, at the moment only line,pie,doughnut,bar,horizontalBar available (defaults to pie)
  • include : expects the field ids to include (example : include="1,3,4")
  • exclude : expects the field ids to exlude (example : exclude="2,4,6")
  • colors : to use your custom colors : a list of coma separated hex colors
  • color_set : expects the name of the color set : blue,green,red,orange,purple (defaults to a standard color set including different colors)
  • color_rand : expects true or false and randomizes colors in color set if true (defaults to false)

see all parameters on demonstration site


Display all fields of form #1 as pie charts with custom chartjs options for titles:

[gfchartsreports chart_js_options="title: {display: true, text: 'My Funky Chart Title', fontSize:28,fontFamily:'Arial',fontColor:'#00B88A',fontStyle:'bold',padding:20}"]

Displays fields 4, 7 and 18 of gravity form #3 with bar charts. Default colors used.

[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="3" include="4,7,18" type="bar"]

Displays field 2 of gravity form #2 with default pie chart. Use red color set, with not randomization.

[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="2" include="2" color_set="red"]

Displays all but fields 4,7,18 of gravity form #8 with horizontalBar type charts. Use blue color set, randomized.

[gfchartsreports gf_form_id="8" exclude="4,7,18" color_set="blue" color_rand="true" type="horizontalBar"]

Test it live here : >> Demonstration site <<

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