
Quick View, Quick View For WooCommerce, WooCommerce Product Quick View – Matrix Quick View

Matrix Quick View - WooCommerce Quick View plugin allows you to add a quick view button in the product archive ( loop ) so that your customer can qui …
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April 29, 2023
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Quick View, Quick View For WooCommerce, WooCommerce Product Quick View   – Matrix Quick View

Matrix Quick View – WooCommerce Quick View plugin allows you to add a quick view button in the product archive ( loop ) so that your customer can quickly view the product without refreshing or navigating the product description page.

WooCommerce Quick View – Features

  • Enable/disable quick view
  • Custom Color and Background color
  • Show/hide on mobile devices
  • Modify Quick View button label
  • Regular updated
  • More feature coming soon
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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.