Bulk upload images to automatically create posts / custom posts with featured images. Updated from mezzaninegold's version
Mis à jour récemment
January 5, 2019
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Bulk upload Images to automatically create Posts

The perfect tool to quickly populate your site.

Ideal for photographers, artists, galleries, photo blogs or any image based site. Easily batch upload images after an event, gig, exhibition, wedding etc creating individual posts.

How it works

Simply drag and drop your images and posts will automatically be created with post titles, featured images and the other options you’ve selected.


  • Featured image automatically assigned.
  • Image file name is used as the post title.
  • Works with Custom Post Types.
  • Select multiple Categories, Tags, Post Formats and Custom Taxonomies at once.
  • Select the Post Status: Published / Draft.
  • Options for including the image in the body of the post.
  • Image metadata title can also be used as the post title


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Testé jusqu’à version
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