This plugin provides an "if" shortcode to conditionally render content.
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March 21, 2015
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This plugin provides an « if » shortcode to conditionally render content. The syntax is the following:

[if condition1 condition2=false condition3]{content}[/if]

Conditions are passed as attribute names. Multiple conditions evaluate to the result of ORing all of them. In other words, if at least one condition evaluates to the desired boolean result, {content} is rendered, otherwise it is discarded. Attribute values determine if we want the condition to be true or false. A value of ‘0’, ‘false’,  » (the empty string), ‘null’ or ‘no’ means we expect the condition to be false. Anything else, including the absense of a value, is interpreted as true.

For example, suppose that we want to include a sentence in a post, but only for anonymous visitors:

[if is_user_logged_in=no]The Sentence.[/if]

It also provides an [else] shortcode and an [eitherway] one for use inside [if] blocks. [else] will render its content if the condition evaluates to false, and [eitherway] will render its content regardless of the evaluation result. When used outside an [if] block, these shortcodes behave as if the whole content is surrounded by an [if] shortcode whose condition evaluates to true. In other words, an [else] shortcode would not render any content, while a [eitherway] one would. You can use as many of these shortcodes as you like in a single [if] block, which gives you the ability to do things like:

- Am I logged in? [if is_user_logged_in]- Yes you are. [else]- No you are not. [/else][eitherway]- I'm sorry, what? [/eitherway]- I said YOU A-R-E LOGGED IN!!! [else]- YOU ARE NOT LOGGED IN!!! What's the matter with you?[/else][/if]

A multitude of conditions are supported out-of-the-box. The following evaluate to the result of the corresponding WordPress Conditional Tag, using the no-parameter syntax:

is_single is_singular is_page is_home is_front_page is_category is_tag is_tax is_sticky is_author is_archive is_year is_month is_day is_time is_feed is_search comments_open pings_open is_404 is_user_logged_in is_super_admin

For example, the evaluation of the is_page condition is equivalent to calling is_page() with no parameter.

The functionality of the plugin can be extended by other plugins, by means of adding custom conditions through filters. To add a custom condition, a filter hook must be defined in the following manner:

add_filter($if_shortcode_filter_prefix.'my_condition','my_condition_evaluator'); function my_condition_evaluator($value) { $evaluate=.... /* add your evaluation code here */ return $evaluate; }

A big thanks to M Miller for the normalize_empty_atts() function found here:

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