The official Fattura24 plugin allows the creation of electronic invoices, orders, traditional invoices and receipts via Fattura24
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May 27, 2024
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The official Fattura24 plugin allows the creation of electronic invoices, orders, traditional invoices and receipts via Fattura24 You can also analyze the progress of your business by graphic reports and share everything with your accountant. You can hook one or more eCommerce to your Fattura24 account and on each one create documents with different issue counters.

By the plugin you can:

  • Add the PEC and SDI Recipient Code fields on the check-out page;
  • Add the fields « Tax code » and « VAT number » of the customer on the check-out page and decide if the fields have to be required;
  • Create a copy of the order from WooCommerce to Fattura24;
  • Send an automatic email to the customer with a PDF copy of the order or invoice attached;
  • Add the customer information to your Fattura24 address book or update the data if they have already been created;
  • Create the receipt/invoice – in your Fattura24 account – relating to the order and download it to your e-commerce so that it can be displayed both by the administrator and the customer. The system will create an invoice if the customer has filled out the VAT number field, otherwise a receipt, or you can choose to create the invoice always;
  • Load stocks in Fattura24, pledge the goods with orders and unload them with invoices;
  • Choose the template to create PDF copies of orders and receipts / electronic invoices / invoices;
  • Associate the current-account balance for each invoice and analyze the details through the Fattura24 graphic reports;
  • Set a custom issue counter for the invoices.
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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.