
Easy WP Tooltips

Add tooltips to your content easily using a simple shortcode!
Mis à jour récemment
June 5, 2017
Installations actives

This plugin uses the Simple CSS tooltips by Chris Bracco and a shortcode to create simple tooltips. You can define a link, tooltip location and more in the shortcode.

To add a tooltip to your website, please install and activate the plugin. Then use the shortcode to add a tooltip:

[tooltip text="The tooltip"]The text[/tooltip]

The above shortcode will add a simple tooltip on top of « The text ». If you want to include a link or change the location of the tooltip, this is possible by using the following attributes in your shortcode:

[tooltip text="The tooltip" location="right" href="" rel="nofollow"]The text[/tooltip]

The location can either be top, right, left or bottom. If you don’t enter a location, the default location (top) will be used. As you can see it is also possible to add rel= »nofollow » to your link. If you don’t enter a link, the text will link to « # ».

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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.