A plugin to show product delivery estimated day & date in product page, cart page, checkout page, order confirmation page, admin order list and in …
Mis à jour récemment
March 6, 2021
Installations actives
Easy Product Delivery Date

A plugin to show product delivery estimated day & date in product page, cart page, checkout page, order confirmation page, admin order list and in the order email templates.


  • Ability to set global delivery date message from settings page.
  • Ability to set product wise delivery date.
  • Ability to set product variation wise delivery date.
  • Delivery date to show in product page.
  • Delivery date to show in cart page.
  • Delivery date to show in checkout page.
  • Delivery date to show in order confirmation page.
  • Delivery date to show in admin order list page.
  • Delivery date to show in email templates.
  • Ability to set weekends.
  • Ability to adjust delivery date message position.
  • Ability to add custom CSS styles.
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