
Date Pagination

Paginate your posts by year, month or day.
Mis à jour récemment
August 28, 2020
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Date Pagination

This plugin provides an easy way to paginate posts by year, month or day in your theme’s template files. Use the native WordPress pagination functions to display the pagination links.

It’s likely your theme is already using these functions for normal pagination. If not, see if it works with your theme’s pagination or add them yourself.

To tell WordPress a page should be paginated by dates set the date_pagination_type query argument to yearly, monthly or daily for a custom query (WP_Query), or in the pre_get_posts action.

See the plugin documentation for examples and more information on how to use this plugin in your theme.

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.