A awesome WordPress plugin to manage many user options and create many new features easily from admin panel.
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August 21, 2020

CodeChief is an amazing multipurpose WordPress plugin where you can easily manage many options. It is easily customizable and easy to handle.

CodeChief Features: 1. Admin can change like button colors and options. 2. Admin can add new user roles and permissions as many as he want. 3. Admin can activate sending mail to author after publishinhg post. 4. Admin can activate awesome profile widget. 5. Admin can activate author profile box after post. 6. Admin can disable automatic WordPress plugin updates. 7. Admin can disable automatic WordPress theme updates. 8. Admin can disable WordPress default theme comments system. 9. Admin can activate codechief contact page template. 10. Admin can activate codechief guest post. For guest post, no user registration and login is required. 11. Admin can activate codechief contact page template. This contact page developed using Ajax request. Also validate with jQuery before submitting the form. You can easily customize this form design by placing your own custom css class via input box.

Why use CodeChief? Easy to customize and and easy to use.

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Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.