Load Contact Form 7 & select CF7-related plugin scripts & styles only where needed.
Mis à jour récemment
May 7, 2024
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Conditionally Load CF7

In its default settings, Contact Form 7 loads its JavaScript and CSS stylesheet on every page. This slows page loading and taxes server and client resources. Use this plugin to control which pages the scripts load on.

NEW in v1.0.15: The plugin also prevents scripts and styles from the following plugins from loading. If you are using any other plugin that extends Contact Form 7 and loads its scripts on all pages, please open a support ticket and we will look into adding it.

  • Contact Form 7 Conditional Fields
  • Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms
  • Contact Form CFDB7
  • Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload — Contact Form 7


  • Anglais : langue par défaut, toujours incluse.

Would you like to help translate Conditionally Load CF7 into your own language? You can do that here!

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