BW Posts Top is a widget to show your posts on top of website. You can use it to show latest post with many themes.
Mis à jour récemment
March 18, 2014
Installations actives
BW Posts Top

BW Posts Top support you to show your posts on top of website. It useful for display latest posts on top with 5 themes. You can select theme is compatible with your website.

=> Features BW Posts Top widget <=

  • Source Config
    • Category ID: Select category you want.
    • Orderby: use for get post order by Name, Author, Date, Title, Modified, Parent, Id, Rand and Comment count.
    • Order: ASC or DES.
    • Number of Posts: Number of post you want to show.
    • Excerpt length (in words): Length for description.
  • Display Config
    • Theme: Support 5 themes.
    • Image size: Size for main image.
    • Thumb size: Size for posts on left or bottom.
    • Title limit: limit number of characters for title;
    • Desc limit: limit number of characters for description;
    • Desc small limit: limit number of characters for description of posts on left or bottom.;
    • Show Description: Yes or No.
    • Show readmore: Yes or No.
    • Show Thumbnails: Show or not images of posts on left or bottom.
    • Show desc of small posts: how or not description of posts on left or botom.

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.