Ashtabula - A Swiper Slider Plugin for WordPress
Mis à jour récemment
December 18, 2022

This plugin allows you to use of the popular Swiper.js library in WordPress.

This is a minimalist plugin that is for displaying responsive cards in a slide.

  • On a large screen device, the slide will show a horizontal card (image on the left and text on the right).
  • On a small device, the slide becomes a stacked card with the image on the top and text on the bottom.

See the screengrabs below to get a visual or visit the live demo.

Note: You should be comfortable with HTML and CSS to use this plugin.


  1. Use the demo HTML file as a starter template. Add this HTML to a HTML or code block/element to your page or post.
  2. To add the images, use the example CSS below as a template. Add the CSS to your Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS or your child theme’s style.css file.

CSS example to specify the background image for the responsive card in a slide.

/** * Swiper Slider Plugin Custom Styles */ #my-swiper-slide-1 { background-image: url(mybgimg-1.png); } #my-swiper-slide-2 { background-image: url(mybgimg-2.png); } #my-swiper-slide-3 { background-image: url(mybgimg-3.png); }


Powered by Swiper.js.

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.