Use QRCode Generator to create a image QRCode on any site of your blog.
Mis à jour récemment
February 26, 2015
Installations actives
API QRCode Generator

Use this QRCode Generator wordpress plugin to create a image QRCode on any site of your WordPress installation. Use a shortcode in your posts to insert dynamic, customizable posts, pages, images, or attachments based on categories and tags. Visite for more information.

The shortcode [qrcode] within your site to generate a qr code including the URL of the current site. This plugin is offered freely by QRCode Generator API Online [].

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How to use:

  • Use the shortcode [qrcode] within your site to generate a qr code including the URL of the current site

  • Use the fullowing short code to generate a indivdual qr code with any text content: [qrcode content= »text » size= »150px » alt= »text » class= »text »]


Jweblog « Programming usefull codes for good internet! » ( « WP-QRCode Generator »)

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.