
AddToAny Share Buttons

Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny button, Facebook, Mastodon, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Threads, many more, and follow icons too.
Mis à jour récemment
April 16, 2024
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AddToAny Share Buttons

The AddToAny Share Buttons plugin for WordPress increases traffic & engagement by helping people share your posts and pages to any service. Services include Facebook, Mastodon, Pinterest, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Threads, Bluesky, Tumblr, Reddit, X, WeChat, and many more sharing and social media sites & apps.

AddToAny is the home of universal sharing, and the AddToAny plugin is the most popular share plugin for WordPress, making sites social media ready since 2006.

Boutons de partage

  • Boutons de partage Standard — partage chaque élément du contenu
  • Boutons de partage flottants — réactifs et personnalisables, verticalement et horizontalement
  • Compteurs — rapide et officiels partage le décompte dans le même style
  • Follow buttons — social media links to your Instagram, YouTube, Discord, Snapchat
  • Image sharing buttons – share buttons for sharing images
  • Les boutons de partage Vecteur et les boutons de Suivi des icônes SVG avec — couleurs personnalisées
  • Icônes de partage personnalisées — utilisez les vôtres si vous préférez
  • Official buttons including the Facebook Like Button, Pinterest Save Button, and LinkedIn Share Button
  • Universal email sharing makes it easy to share via Gmail, Yahoo Mail, (Hotmail), AOL Mail, and any other web or native apps

Placement et apparence personnalisés

  • Before content, after content, or before & after content
  • Vertical Floating Share Bar, and Horizontal Floating Share Bar
  • As a shortcode, or a widget within a theme’s layout
  • Programmatically with template tags

Analytics Integration

  • Google Analytics integration (access guide) for sharing analytics
  • Track shared links with Bitly and custom URL shorteners
  • Display share counts on posts and pages

WordPress Optimized

  • Loads asynchronously so your content always loads before or in parallel with AddToAny
  • Supports theme features such as HTML5, widgets, infinite scroll, post formats
  • Supports WooCommerce, multilingual sites, multisite networks, and accessibility standards
  • AddToAny est gratuit — aucune inscription, aucune connexion, aucun compte à gérer

Mobile Optimized & Retina Ready

  • AddToAny gives users the choice in sharing from a service’s native app or from a web app
  • Responsive Floating Share Buttons are mobile ready by default, and configurable breakpoints make floating buttons work with any theme
  • AddToAny’s SVG icons are super-lightweight and pixel-perfect at any size, and AddToAny’s responsive share menu fits on all displays
  • Automatic AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) support for social share buttons on AMP pages

Customizable & Extensible

  • Choose exactly where you want AddToAny to appear
  • Easily customize sharing on your WordPress site
  • Très extensible pour les développeurs et les concepteurs
  • Custom icons let you use any icons from any location (media uploads directory, CDN, etc.)
  • Many more publisher and user features

Wide Support

  • Over 10 years of development
  • Over 16 million downloads
  • Translated into dozens of languages
  • Ongoing support from the community

This plugin always strives to be the best WordPress plugin for sharing. Development is fueled by your kind words and feedback.

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See also:

AddToAny Blog | Privacy Policy

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