Valid CSS not working

  • I’m trying to add the following as custom CSS but each time I save my changes everything except for the comments is striped out of my stylesheet. I’ve confirmed this is valid CSS, does anyone know how I can make these styles save correctly?

      -webkit-touch-callout:none; /* iOS Safari */
      -webkit-user-select:none;   /* Chrome/Safari/Opera */
      -khtml-user-select:none;    /* Konqueror */
      -moz-user-select:none;      /* Firefox */
      -ms-user-select:none;       /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
      user-select:none;           /* Non-prefixed version */

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, I can confirm that this is being removed:

    .noSelect {
    user-select : none;

    I tried to search for it not working and did find this discussion which suggests it’s a bit controversial in UX circles, but I’ll see if we can find out more.

  • OK. I can see there’s a bug filed here:

    If you can send more details about what you’re hoping to do, that’ll be helpful.

  • I’m looking at posting the initial 3 chapters of my new book on my site for users to read but I don’t want to enable users to select/copy the text for copyright reasons.

    I think as a work around I will display an image of the text instead. Still curious why this valid CSS is being removed however.

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