unable to post to my blog

  • I cannot write a post to my blog since your new format
    Blog url: http://womansadventure.wordpress.com/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I don’t know what you mean by new format. Also as you have not provided any details at all one doesn’t have a clue what your issues are or how to address them.

    (1) How are are connecting to the internet and to WordPress.com?

    I’m asking because the way you connect to the internet (mobile, satellite, DSL, dial-up) and to your blog, and how many proxy server jumps etc. it takes to connect can cause problems. There maybe be problems with your ISP and/or with the proxy servers. Also note that the main dashboard isn’t designed to work with touch devices through the tablet and smartphone browsers.

    (2) Exactly which browser and version of it are you using. If you don’t know click here to find out > http://whatsmyuseragent.com/
    Note: If you are running IE9 in compatibility mode then be aware that it renders as IE7 and IE7 is not supported.

    (3) Have you tried?
    clearing your browser cache and cookies > http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=32050
    using the browser with all extensions or add-ons disabled
    updating the browser to the latest stable version (not a buggy BETA browser version) http://browsehappy.com/
    using another browser

    (4) Are you logging in using the secure https:// log-in? see http://en.support.wordpress.com/https/

  • Fuck you all. All I wanted was a reason as to why everytime I click on the body of my post, it doesn’t acknowledge that I am typing anything. Fuck you wordpress. Blogger.com has a very much more usable format so thanks for blocking me when all I wanted was to talk to an actual person. My blog is amazing and apparently not amazing enough for your high standards. So I will be sure to not post anything more about being a firefighter and the life we live. I sincerely hope you all feel good about yourselves. You are all piles of lazy shit. Then I go save people’s lives daily, and apparently that doesn’t meet the wordpress criteria. Sofuck you all. I hope that when your house starts burning down, that my fellow firefighters will put it put and you will realize what blessings you. Have. I do it because I even love the people that get pissed at me for helping them. SO basically you can all piss off. Give some more respect to the people that save your lives. Not even me, but the ones who do it no matter how big of an ingrate you are. Because we are the people that love you regardless. Think about that.

  • Fuck you all. P.S. Goodbye. Hope your house doesn’t burn down or wash away tonight!

  • …as you have not provided any details at all one doesn’t have a clue what your issues are or how to address them.


    It’s clear that you are frustrated and unhappy, but without specific information we cannot help you. If you do decide to provide some more particulars, we could well assist you.

    If not, then there is not but for me to say fare thee well (without the bad language).

  • Have you tried switching to decaf?

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