Twitter Posting is busted with Block Editor

  • Heya! I was told in another thread to make my own about this issue, so here I am. Quoting from the other thread…

    “Converted my editor to blocks and I’m still able to do work due to me writing primarily in HTML, and the code editor still being available, but since the change I noticed that when I autotweet and write stuff in the field, it NEVER tweets out what I type: It saves as such when I go back to the editor and it shows that what I typed is there, but the actual tweet is just the name of my review.

    I’ve only gotten it to work properly once upon making it a super short tweet, but otherwise the Twitter tweet is busted. Please fix this as otherwise it’s very handy, and I kinda do need to tweet properly in order to ping developers/people involved with games I review and cover.”

    This is still an issue. For whatever reason, since last week, I’ve been unable to have the thing I type in the tweet section go out as typed: It ALWAYS defaults to the title of the post (In my case, just “_____ -Review”) being tweeted out instead, even though when I go back to check to see if it saved my tweet properly, the editor shows it. This is very crucial to fix, because I NEED to have my blurbs I throw to the tweets gone out, so I can tag the involved parties on Twitter. (I’m on Twitter Break right now, so i was relying on this bot to do the work… But it isn’t playing ball. You can see in the embeded twitter on my home page that all the dummy posts I tried doing end up defaulting to the title)

    In the old editor, it would always work without fail, and I assume it still would if I were to figure out how to go back. But here it just doesn’t like me, and I’ve had it work once since the upgrade, with my tweet being super duper short. I dunno if there’s some invisible word limit that the editor hates, but it’s driving me insane. Please fix this.

    On a smaller side note, there are also times where my default section I assigned to new posts is unchecked entirely, so I have to manually check it: This is despite me setting every new post to automatically go to Reviews by default, although a few times it did do what it was supposed to, so I’m more concerned about the Twitter posting.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for that. Can you try typing the social media message, clicking the save draft button, and then publishing to see if it helps? We have seen some cases of this but haven’t been able to solidly duplicate the issue yet.

  • Hi yes, sorry for the late response. Two weeks ago I published a review of Shantae and the Seven Sirens where I did just that, only for it to end up defaulting in the tweet anyhow. So it didn’t work then.

    I have a new big review going up in a bit, so I’m hoping the quick tweet I prepped works. I’ll immediately reply if it fails.

  • Tweet worked, but I don’t know if it was because I made this brief or not. My usual tweet are rather long but still within the 240 character limit. I don’t know if you tweaked it or not, so I’ll leave it open for now.

  • Heya. It worked for a while, but today I did a lengthier twitter post, and it didn’t show up. Still busted. :| please fix this. this is the tweet it made.

  • and this is proof that I did make a tweet.

  • Just to confirm, are you writing the twitter message, saving, and then publishing? My suspicion is that it’s not getting a chance to save prior to publishing.

  • Yes, I’ve hit saved draft before, and you can see from the gray’ed out twitter tweet I tried sending, that in this example it did save, it just didn’t post. It instead posted a generic thing instead and I don’t get why it’s doing it.

  • Very odd. And I take it it works sometimes and others not so much?

  • Yeah, it just doesn’t work all the time. Sometimes it works, most times it doesn’t and just spits the generic stuff out. I thought it was due to some bug with twitter character count but even when it’s super short my messages still get replaced, so it’s REALLY bugging me. It impacts the way I contact developers when I finish a review, so it’s pretty much a must that this widget gets fixed in the Block Editor.

  • Hi there,

    This is a known issue with Publicize. Publicize is powered by the Jetpack plugin, and the folks who make Jetpack has been working on this for a while, but it looks like it could actually be an issue with the WordPress API itself, in which case that would need to be fixed first.

    The steps @supernovia suggested above – type your custom message, click Save draft and wait for the confirmation message, then immediately publish, should work in most cases. But if it doesn’t, I’m afraid we don’t have any other alternatives to suggest at this point.

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