Theme “Structure” : Post thumbnails within categories and tags

  • Hi WordPress,

    I love the simplicity of this design. However one quick question: I have successfully organized my posts under categories and tags, and it is great to be able to click on one category/tag to see all the posts under it. But I’ve noticed when I arrive at the page under one category/tag, only the title and the textual content is shown on the list. How do I add a thumbnail for each post that shows up on the list?? (My blog is image-driven, so thumbnails for posts are very important once they listed under a category/tag). Is there a solution??

    Your advice will be much appreciated. Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There’s only one solution: paste the HTML for the thumbnail (plus whatever else you want) in the Excerpt module of the post editor.

    Drawback: you’ll get the same result on the front page too.

  • Thank you so much for your help.

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