Text size on mobile version

  • To change the color on “BUZSAKIStudio THREADS OF LIGHT®” use the following and adjust the color as desired.

    .welcomebox p {
    color: #CC0000;

    The main top navigation text is set as bold. Add the following to remove the bold declaration.

    #top div.main-nav {
    font-weight: normal;
  • Thank you for quick response;

    Re Welcome box
    I have tried repeatedly as per your advice however the
    BUZSAKIStudio…. In welcome box will not change colour ?
    I do recall it was another colour before I changed all the menu item pages etc to aqua/26ffff I believe it changed then?!

    Re On Cloud Tag
    When click /hover on a tag the word turns black is there anyway to change these to another colour please ?

  • On the welcomebox text, add the !important attribute as follows.

    .welcomebox p {
        color: #66FF33 !important;
        font-size: 33px;

    I used .welcomebox as the selector instead of .entry (where the color had been set) so that it would change only that line in the welcome box and not affect other text.

    The main hover color for links is set in the following, but there are some that are set with more specific selectors. If you wish to change all hover colors on links, I would start with the following and then test from there.

    a:hover, a:focus {
    color: #000000;
    #footer ul li a:hover, ul.txt li:hover {
        background: #EEEEEE;
        color: #000000;
  • Thank you for prompt reply

    Re Welcomebox

    Thank you it is now working !

    Re hover links etc

    I noticed this code has only changes to colour for the ‘recent posts’ links –

    The ones I would like to change as follows , or please can you advise where I may find the codes for ,

    ‘On Cloud Tag’ in sidebar
    Tweet threads
    The links in sidebar under ‘artists’ / video etc…/suggested sites/we are enlightened by
    In the big white box at bottom – firstly how to change from the !white’ background & how to change cour of words/tags I. The Sculpted light widget
    I’m also trying to decrease size of font of different sections in the sidebar

  • I missed copying and pasting this bit of code before, so add this and adjust the color as desired.

    a {
        color: #FF0000;

    Tweets and various other widget links:

    #sidebar .widget_categories ul li a, #footer .widget_categories ul li a, #sidebar .widget_twitter ul li a, #footer .widget_twitter ul li a {
        color: #FF0000;

    Artists and Video… you already have the following in your existing Custom CSS. Edit the color code in that to change those.

    #sidebar ul li a, ul.txt li {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #FF9900;
    color: #26FFFF;

    White background to footer widget area:

    #footer-wrap {
        background: #FFFFFF;
  • It has been about a week since I posted the above, and I’m going to resolve this thread, but if you have any problems with the above CSS, feel free to un-resolve this thread and post to it.

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