Post Blogs Block Cropping Feature Image into a Circle Unwillingly

  • Hi there!

    I posted a similar question a while ago, but because of final year university, I never got round to replying so my apologies for reposting!

    On my homepage on my website:

    You can see that I have the “post blogs” block inserted, however, the feature image is cropped into a circle. I don’t have any additional CSS imputed into this block and it’s been a reoccurring problem and I. And figure out how to get the feature image to be square.

    Also, I’m in editing the page, the feature image appears as a square.

    If anyone has any advice I would hugely appreciate the help! I’m quite new to all of this and I only have the free WordPress blog in case that changes anything!

    Also, when I’m on my blog feed section, the feature image doesn’t appear to crop like a circle; I was wondering if this is a specific thing in the “post blogs” block or something else?

    Many thanks,
    AS 🥰

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there! I’m not sure why yet, but this seems to be coming from your theme: I tested on my site and got round images with Sobe too. So I’ve filed a bug here:

    You can follow that as you like, or, would you be interested in using another theme? We have a lot of great options that can give you a cute front page. Sobe’s strength is mostly in its blog pages:

    Since the other pages are kinda plain:

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