More then one portfolio page

  • Hello ,

    Is it possible to have more than one portfolio page so that I can have a page for paintings, one for illustrations, photographs etc?

    I’m using the Blask theme on

    Thank you

    Kathryn :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Kathryn,

    Yeah! When you make a portfolio from your dashboard you will see a section for “Project Types” on the right hand side of the edit window. Click “Add New Project Type” and name it something that’s relevant for your work in this portfolio, such as “Paintings.” Make sure the box is checked and click “Update” to save the setting.

    Now you can go to Appearance -> Menus. You should see a section for “Projects.” When you select that, you should see your brand new project type that you just created! Select the project type that you want and then “Add to Menu.”

    Rinse and repeat with as many portfolios as you would like :)

    Hope this helps, let us know if you have any other questions!



  • Steeeeeeeeeve!! You are a legend! Thank you so much! I’ve been arsing around with shortcode for ages which I have no idea how to use!

    You just saved my life! :)

  • Is there also an easy way to put them in an order that isn’t the date added?

  • Glad I could help! Your website is looking great :)

    What order are you trying to change? How the projects are ordered in your menu? You should be able to just drag and drop the order that you want under the menu settings. If it’s something else just let me know and I’ll be glad to look into it!

  • Thanks! I meant within a portfolio type and within a portfolio as a whole.

    Cheers Steve :)

  • Oh I gotcha. To my knowledge, the only way would be to edit the portfolio item and change the date (under Project: Settings -> Status, or you can go click the “quick edit” button if you’re in the admin view) . It’s kind of a wonky workaround, but it’s possible.

    Let me know if this works for you!

  • Hi Steve,

    Yeah it worked. Slightly annoying system but them ‘wonky workaround’ is my middle name!

    Thank again for your help

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