Include Icon Font Such As Google Material Icons

  • Add support for an icon font such Google’s material font and include it as standard for all plans. It should be extra easy to implement and wouldn’t be a major overhead (Google fonts are already being loaded). It would add great functionality and users could create richer websites and blogs – and almost for free. This enhancement would make the platform much more attractive to existing and potential new users.

    Thanks for considering this, PJ

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, sorry this question slipped through the cracks somehow.

    Can you let us know what specific icons you’d be looking to include? We support emoji, and we have a social icons widget that displays logos for many services.

    Several themes here have fontawesome support built in as well, though I don’t think twentyseventeen does.

  • Hi Supernova, thanks for replying.

    This was posted as a feature request. To have The Google Material fonts ‘hard coded’ so that for all themes this icon set is available.

    Can you suggest a theme similar to twenty seventeen – free or premium -that has fontawesom.

    Thanks and regards, PJ

  • Thanks, I’ll pass it along as a feature request then.

    A few one-page themes that support fontawesome:

    … if there’s a specific feature you’re after, let me know and I’ll try to help you find one with that.

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