Images in Category pages

  • Hi,

    I’m using the Morning After theme for one of my sites. How can I set it up so that on the Category page, featured images show up to the left of the articles?

    This is an example of a page I’m talking about:

    All of these articles have featured images set for them. But the images don’t show up. What do I need to do to have the images show up?

    Thanks so much!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • First you need to restore the footer credits: hiding them is against the TOS. See #11:

  • Hey Justpi,
    I didn’t realize hiding the footer wasn’t okay. I’ve restored it.
    Anyway, any help with my original question?

  • Whether or not just titles, tiles and excerpts, full posts, permalinked or thumbnail images are displayed on Categories Pages and Archives pages is theme dependent ie. it’s coded into the template and we cannot edit templates or themes.

    In the majority of themes, posts on category or other archive pages show up just as they do on the main posts page in the blog and the number displayed is also the same.

  • @Ellie:
    You haven’t restored the credits. You need to remove this from your CSS:

    #credit {
        display: none;

    Once you do that I’ll tell you how to display images on category pages (timethief’s reply is wrong).

  • @justpi
    Sorry I did not get this right. I did not even know this was a CSS thread.

  • Ah. I guess I failed to save it when I took it off last time. Credits should be restored now.

  • The Morning After displays featured images on the main posts page only. So the only way to display images on category pages is to add them manually, on a post-by-post basis.
    First you need to decide how small you want them to be, and whether they should all have the same width or the same height (can’t be both except if the images have the same aspect ratio or if you distort them). You go to Settings > Media and set this width or height as the default for the thumbnail option.
    Then you edit each post, switch the editor to Text (=code), click the Add Media tool, select the image from your media library, set alignment left, link none and size thumbnail, insert the image, cut the resulting image code and paste it into the Excerpt module of the editor, copypaste the beginning of the text or type a custom teaser text, update.
    (Or I could give you a code model you can save in a text file and paste directly into the Excerpt module instead of inserting the image then cutting and pasting its code. In that case you’ll have to find and paste the URL of each image you want to use.)
    If you don’t see the Excerpt module when editing a post, click Screen Options (top right) and check the option “Excerpt” to make the module show up.

  • @justpi,

    This is extremely helpful! Thank you so much for your time.

    If you could give me the code, that would be wonderful. If not, I can tinker with it.

    Thanks a million!

  • You’re welcome.

    The code model you could use is this:

    <img style="width:100px;float:left;" src="URL HERE" alt="DESCRIPTION HERE" />
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