Image uploading problems

  • This issue is solved – I am posting as it should be a common problem.

    With the new User Interface, the image posting went crazy. Browsing through the ‘Media Library’ the thumbnails appeared behind the text, and no matter what you click on only the first image on that page of the media library would upload. Various problems like this persisted, including being unable to remove a text widget (as the dialog box was faulty) and even in these forums avatars appeared directly on top of the posted message.

    I run XP SP2, with Maxthon2 browser (bugs persisted in ie also)
    I cleaned out the cache of the browser
    I updated Flash to the newest version

    Finally only changing ie6 to ie7 (a complex process) solved the problems.

    So by my experience, ie6 (=internet explorer version 6) does not work with the new User Interface.

  • Thanks for taking the time to post this information. IE6 is notoriously uncooperative with wp blogs and it seems to be an even larger issue with the new dashboard.

  • Making new media uploader not compatible with IE6 is a very bad decision. I want to use IE6 I am not going to upgrade at this moment.

  • haileyroadies · Member ·

    i have the problem that it doesn’t work with IE7. I used Firefox and the image interface worked!

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