CSS code for Enterprise Theme

  • I’m willing to give it a go, but would just appreciate if someone could direct me to the link colour section of the code. I only want to change that part of the CSS, it isn’t that complicated.

  • Try

    a {color: YOUR-COLOR;}

    Also, do not copy the entire CSS in the Editor, just what you’re changing/adding.

  • BTW, I don’t see any blue links in your blog… all look red to me.

  • Yeah they are all red in my current blog, but I’m looking at changing the theme and really would want red links in the enterprise theme.

  • Ok, and now that you have the code, it’s just a matter of implementing it.

  • Thanks for the code. It’s made all the links the colour I want them, apart from the one’s in the body of the post. Is there anyway of changing the colour of the “pages/categories” section and making the header bigger?

  • You would have to activate that theme for me to give you the code. I don’t know the selectors by heart so I would just be guessing if I gave you something right now.

  • I just uploaded a custom header for my blog with the Enterprise theme…it’s the right size, 960 x 80, but I can’t get it to appear. I’ve tried .jpg and .png versions of the header. They appear to get saved just fine, but they don’t appear on my blog.


    I’ve had to remove the custom header, since it isn’t working. I’ve also tried reverting back to the original CSS style sheet and I still can’t get the custom header to appear. Anyone got an idea?

  • @kingsfan
    If you have edited the CSS on any theme at wordpress.com then you can no longer use the custom image header uploader. Once you have edited the CSS then the header image URL must be included in the CSS stylesheet.

  • kingsfan,

    in your “#header” selector, replace the value of your “background” property from:



    background: #fff url(URL-OF-YOUR-IMAGE) 0 0 no-repeat;

    That should do it.

  • I don’t know a damned thing about CSS (not a web designer), so this is helpful. Thanks! But this still doesn’t explain why it doesn’t work after reverting to the original CSS stylesheet.

  • OK…is there anything I need to do in the CSS in order to hide header text that WordPress automatically adds to the header?

  • No problem.

    BTW, I’m not a web designer either; I’m a web developer.

    If there are images that are no longer displayed is because you’ve pasted the entire CSS in the CSS editor and checked the “Start from scratch” radio button. Doing that is not recommended unless you’re doing MAJOR changes to the stylesheet. What you did breaks all the relative paths to the images used by the theme.

    Having said that, the code I gave you SHOULD have worked, provided that you used absolute paths (in this case the URL to your image). Example of relative paths:


    Example of absolute pahts:


    When modifying the CSS of a theme, you should only put in the CSS Editor your changes/aditions to it, and have the “add to existing CSS” radio button checked. Read this for more info:


    To hide the header text you would need to add this to your CSS.

    .header-left h1, .header-left #description {text-indent: -99999px;}

    To reset the theme, delete all the CSS you have in the Editor and check the “Add to existing CSS” radio button. Save. You then can start anew.


  • OK…I haven’t tried anything you suggested yet…won’t be able to get to it for awhile, but now I know what to do. Thanks!

  • I can’t seem to figure out how exactly to change the font in the Menu bar, Posts bar, and the h2 headers. Can someone point me in the right direction? I feel silly asking this, I took a semester-long class on CSS/Javascript/HTML, you think I would be able to figure out something so simple…

  • Link to blog, please

  • what’s the “posts bar”? are you referring to the “Posts Announcements Events” bar?

  • If that’s what you were referring to, and if all those elements will share the same font, you need to add this to your CSS

    #nav *, #subnav li, #content-left h2 {font-family: YOUR-FONT-HERE; }

    if they will have different fonts, then you’d do it like this:

    #nav * {font-family: YOUR-FONT-HERE;  }
    #subnav li {font-family: YOUR-FONT-HERE; }
    #content-left h2 {font-family: YOUR-FONT-HERE; }
  • and to change it in all the widgets on in the right-hand sidebar?

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