Change size of post title

  • How can I make the size of my post titles a bit smaller?

    Also, how can I change their color?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    It looks like you have the default headings font enabled, which doesn’t have an alternate size option. On the Twenty Sixteen theme, you may select a custom font at Customize > Fonts, and also adjust the size and style from among the available options. See the Custom Fonts support page for relevant information and instructions.

    The color options that are available on Twenty Sixteen at Customize > Colors & Backgrounds only include the default color and the color assigned to the headings with the six alternate palette options. It looks like the only options for headings color are dark gray, light gray, and white. If you want more freedom in choosing colors, then you’ll need the Custom Design upgrade. See the Custom Colors support page.

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