Can I use affiliate links in SIDEBAR?

  • A couple of weeks ago, I updated my blog site with Colnear. The transition went smoothly, with a couple of minor hiccups and I’ll talk about it, in a separate topic.

    Right now, I am considering a text widget that would contain links to recommended books on Amazon. That’s it. The links would have to be text only, as per policy.

    Why am I doing so? It seems visitors don’t see my text links, when it’s incorporated in an article. I thought it would be a good idea to place it, in a sidebar widget.

    Is this a good practice? Are there any examples that I can learn from? Normally, I’d use icons; however, I know that doesn’t like that.

    Any ideas?

    My blog site is:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi (Barry ?)

    Have you read this ? –

    Excerpt – “We hope affiliate programs help you earn a financial reward for all the hard work you’ve invested in your blog. However, because we’re dedicated to keeping unwanted commercial messages from cluttering the experience, there are some restrictions in place that you should be aware of”

    It’s fairly clear on what is and isn’t acceptable. Affiliate marketing is allowed on, however they don’t want sites plastered with adverts, sites that add no value to or the community. So my advice is discretion is the better part of valour.

    For instance, a graphic with an affiliate link, that’s plastered with dollar signs (and perhaps animations) and is obviously marketing, on your sidebar could almost certainly be argued as a “banner advert” and wouldn’t be allowed.

    More subtle variations of the same thing, that aren’t blatant banner adverts, may be considered as acceptable. I’ve seen blogs on WordPress who do that or variations thereof.

    Also as is said in the link – apply for the WordAds program if you want advertising revenue. If you site generates a lot of traffic (100000s plus hits per month), then it can be a decent revenue stream.

    The main thing in my experiences with is that as long as you’re producing original content, and the purpose of your site isn’t solely to drive traffic elsewhere (whilst adhering to their terms of service), then they are happy for you to be here.

    So read the official link I sent you above. Have a look around at what other sites are doing and how they’re doing it. And think subtle and tasteful if you’re doing marketing from your blog, be it same party or third party stuff that’s being sold.

    So in answer your original question – yes you can use affiliate links on your sidebar …


    Don Charisma

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