Can I have my own domain on free wordpress blog?

  • Hello. I have a domain I purchased and would like to use it on my free wordpress blog. When I go to add domain, I tried to add it via domain mapping, which says it costs $13/year. Ok, fine. But when I go to buy, it tries to charge me $96 for premium wordpress. Is there not an option to add my domain to my free wordpress site? I don’t have that much money and won’t be using this site to make money.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We have 4 different plans: free, personal, premium and business. All hosting is free regardless of which plan you choose. You can view all plan features here

    You can use the Personal Plan if all you want is a custom domain, removal of advertising, live chat support and 6GB Storage Space but you need to add the plan first. If you add the domain first, Premium is selected automatically. Go to to upgrade.

  • To use a domain URL you purchased elsewhere on any wordpress.COM site you will need to upgrade first and then map to an existing domain. To map an existing domain see
    Alternatively, see Incoming domain transfer

    We have 4 different plans: free, personal, premium and business. All hosting is free regardless of which plan you choose. You can view all plan features here

    You can use the Personal Plan if all you want is a custom domain, removal of advertising, live chat support and 6GB Storage Space but you need to add the plan first. If you add the domain first, Premium is selected automatically. Go to to upgrade.

    Registering an underlying URL first is required for domain mapping and that underlying URL does not have to match the domain URL when you are domain mapping.

    What domain mapping does is providing a seamless redirect to the very same content under the new domain URL when a person clicks the old URL to the original content. It can take up to 72 hours for domain propagation to take place throughout the internet but it doesn’t usually take that long.

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