Yelp Reviews Ticker is an easy to use widget that allows you to show your business yelp reviews.
Última actualización
March 19, 2014
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Yelp Reviews Ticker

This widget will allow you to show a list of up to 3 reviews snippets/excerpts (via Yelp API) for your business in a customizable ticker display that is yelp compliant.

The ticker will show the user profile image, user name, the rating given by the user (1-5 stars), the excerpt of the user review, a link to your business yelp page, the date the review was given and the required yelp logo.

It allows you to easily configure the widget title (if you’d like one), the speed in which the ticker will rotate the reviews, the amount of time each review will be displayed for and the number of reviews it will show at once.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.