By using Wpfox infobox rotator, it allows you to add simple info box in wooocommerce Single product page under add to cart , no need to edit theme and …
Última actualización
June 6, 2020
Wpfox Infobox rotator

By using Woocommerce infobox rotator, it allows you to add simple info box in wooocommerce Single product page under add to cart , no need to edit theme and woocommerce plugin!

List of Position where you can add your InfoBox

  1. woocommerce after add to cart form

more comming in next release

Plugin Features

*Quick to set up *Add info box text ( up to three text) *Add icon to each text *change text color and size *change icon size *change info box text and icon direction *change animations (only two animation for now , more to come) *FontAwesom 5.13.0

Have a look at the plugin’s website.

Got a bug or suggestion?

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.