Catches Information from the Adult Payment Gateway Zombaio and acts accordingly
Última actualización
December 15, 2013
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This Plugin allows Site Admins to easily configure and use the Adult Payment Gateway Zombaio for use with WordPress. In a more Secure and WordPress-y way that the existing recommended script.

Two ShortCodes help to make joining the site and displaying the Zombaio Site seal as easy as possible. As well as logging transmitted data from Zombaio as a Custom Post Type.

Currently only User Add, User Delete and User Rebill are Processed. But all data is logged.

In the future, Credit Purchase will be supported.

When a user delete/cancel occurs, the admin can choose whether the User is deleted from WordPress or just suspended from being able to login.

This plugin works with «Anyone can register» disabled, stopping users signing up without using a Zombaio based Join Form.

Built in Splash Page/redirection allows you to redirect logged out users to a WordPress Page of your Choosing, thus protecting your content from non members, as well as giving you the ability to warn users about the site content, or create a suitable «Join my Site» page. You can also choose pages that are unlocked/open to all users. For tours etc.

See Other Notes for Usage/Instructions


For Extra help/support or otherwise, either use the WordPress Support Forum, or Drop Me a Line

You can also reach out to us on Twitter!

Whats Coming Soon

  • Credit Purchase and Spending there of
  • Flexible Protection
  • Suspend a User Manually


With the block enabled, only the landing page is accessable, and users are forced to login or register.

You can run with Anyone can Register turned off, which means users can only use your Landing page, or the Zombaio Join Form/Widget to Register.

You can refer to the in plugin guide, which contains lots of setup information, settings notes and advice.

The Plugin provides three Shortcodes which are also available as Sidebar Widgets.

The first being the Zombaio Site Seal, which you can enter in the settings and then quickly add it where needed.


ShortCode Arguments

  • align – save you having to wrap it in a div, you can use left, center or right to control page placement

The second being, the Join Form.


ShortCode Arguments

  • join_url – the Zombaio Join URL for the relevant subscription
  • submit – the text to use on the Submit button
  • align – save you having to wrap it in a div, you can use left, center or right to control page placement
  • buttonalign – save you having to wrap it in a div, you can use left, center or right to button placement
  • width – the Form Width, just a number

ShortCode Content

The shortcode content is added to the form beneath the password field and the join button.

The third and final item is, a Login Form.


Renders a login form, also available as a Widget

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Probado hasta
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