WP Sitemap Control permite elegir qué tipos de contenido público o taxonomías deben permitirse en el archivo «/wp-sitemap.xml»
Última actualización
February 16, 2024
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WP Sitemap Control

The plugin allows you to control which post types should be included in the WordPress sitemap. By default on build-in sitemap are all public post types and taxonomies, but now you can include or exclude the selected type of content from your sitemap. Learn about sitemaps.

The configuration allows you to turn off individual content from the sitemap – an example is «Privacy Policy», which we do not need to have in our sitemap, and by combining the plugin capabilities Simple SEO Improvements we can also avoid indexing and archiving it.

See room for improvement?

Great! There are several ways you can get involved to help make WP Sitemap Control better:

  1. Report Bugs: If you find a bug, error or other problem, please report it! You can do this by creating a new topic in the plugin forum. Once a developer can verify the bug by reproducing it, they will create an official bug report in GitHub where the bug will be worked on.
  2. Suggest New Features: Have an awesome idea? Please share it! Simply create a new topic in the plugin forum to express your thoughts on why the feature should be included and get a discussion going around your idea.
  3. Issue Pull Requests: If you’re a developer, the easiest way to get involved is to help out on issues already reported in GitHub. Be sure to check out the contributing guide for developers.

Thank you for wanting to make WP Sitemap Control better for everyone!

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