
WP Encryption – One Click Free SSL Certificate & SSL / HTTPS Redirect to Force HTTPS, Security+

Lifetime SSL solution & Security - Install free SSL certificate & enable HTTPS redirect, HTTPS mail, fix SSL errors, SSL score, SSL details &a …
Última actualización
June 12, 2024
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WP Encryption – One Click Free SSL Certificate & SSL / HTTPS Redirect to Force HTTPS, Security+

HTTPS Secure your WordPress site with SSL certificate provided by Let’s Encrypt® and force SSL / HTTPS sitewide, check your SSL score, fix insecure content & mixed content issues easily. Enable HTTPS secure padlock on your site within minutes.

WP Encryption plugin registers your site, verifies your domain, generates SSL certificate for your site in simple mouse clicks without the need of any technical knowledge.

A typical SSL installation without WP Encryption would require you to generate CSR, prove domain ownership, provide your bussiness data and deal with many more technical tasks!.

New Security Features – 1,000+ Reviews Special

(V7.0) NEW Vulnerability Scanner + Security page – Enable important security protocols to safeguard your site.

5M+ SSL certificates generated – Switch to HTTPS easily


Linux hosting, OpenSSL, CURL, allow_url_fopen should be enabled.


  • Automatic domain verification
  • Automatic SSL certificate installation
  • Automatic SSL renewal (Auto renews SSL certificate 30 days prior to expiry date)
  • Wildcard SSL support – Install Wildcard SSL certificate for your primary domain that covers ALL sub-domains. Automatic DNS based domain verification for Wildcard SSL installation (DNS should be managed by cPanel or Godaddy)
  • Multisite + Mapped domains support – Supports SSL installation for mapped domains
  • Automatic Content Delivery Network(CDN) to boost your site performance (Annual Plan Only)
  • Blocks SQL injection, XSS, Shellshock, Remote File Inclusion, Apache Structs Exploits, Local File Inclusion attacks.
  • Blocks common web application vulnerabilities and common WordPress attacks.
  • Blocks invalid user agents, unknown user agents, CSRF, Convicted bot traffic, Spam & abuse, Probing & forced browsing, Brute force attacks.
  • Top notch one to one priority support – Live Chat, Email, Premium Support Forum
  • SSL installation help for non-cPanel sites
  • Daily vulnerability scan & notification



  • Verify domain ownership and generate free SSL certificate
  • Secure webmail and email with HTTPS
  • Download generated SSL certificate, key and Intermediate certificate files
  • Force HTTPS / Enable HTTPS 301 redirection sitewide in one click
  • HTTPS redirection includes redirect loop fix for Cloudflare, StackPath, Load balancers and reverse proxies.
  • SSL Health page – Track your SSL score and control various SSL & Security features like HSTS strict transport security Header, HttpOnly secure cookies, etc,.
  • Enable important security headers including X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, Referrer-Policy
  • Enable mixed content / insecure content fixer
  • SSL monitoring & Automatic email notification prior to SSL certificate expiration

(Optional) Running WordPress on a specialized VPS/Dedicated server without cPanel? You can download the generated SSL certificate files easily via «Download SSL Certificates» page and install it on your server by modifying server config file via SSH access as explained in our DOCS.

(New) Vulnerability Scanner in v6.0

Navigate to SSL Health & Security page and run the vulnerability scanner to scan your WordPress, Plugins and Themes for known vulnerabilities. Keep everything updated to stay secure.


Safeguard your site from cross-site scripting attacks, clickjacking, MIME sniffing attacks.

  • Enable HTTPS Strict Transport Security Header to avoid request protocol downgrading
  • Disable directory listing to avoid directory traversing
  • Enable X-XSS protection, secure cookies, X-Content-Type-Options to avoid cross site scripting and MIME sniffing

Cambia a HTTPS en segundos

  • Secure HTTPS browser padlock in minutes.

  • Los certificados SSL gratuitos de dominio validado (DV) son proporcionados por Let’s Encrypt (una autoridad de certificación global sin ánimo de lucro).

  • SSL encryption ensures protection against man-in-middle attacks by securely encrypting the data transfer between client and your server.

¿Por qué mi sitio de WordPress necesita un certificado SSL?

  1. Ventajas SEO: Los principales motores de búsqueda, como Google, clasifican más alto los sitios con SSL activado en comparación con los sitios que no son SSL. Por lo que traen más tráfico orgánico a tu sitio.

  2. Cifrado de datos: La transmisión de datos entre el servidor y el visitante es cifrado de forma segura en un sitio SSL, evitando así cualquier secuestro de datos entre la transmisión (Por ejemplo, información personal, información de la tarjeta de crédito).

  3. Confianza: Google Chrome muestra los sitios que no son SSL como «no seguros», lo que genera una sensación de inseguridad en los visitantes de la web.

  4. Autenticidad: El candado verde HTTPS representa un símbolo de confianza, autenticidad y seguridad.


Muchas gracias a los generosos esfuerzos de nuestros traductores.

If you would like to translate plugin to your language, Feel free to sign up and start translating!

Show Your Support

  • If you find any issue, please submit a bug via support forum.


If you find this plugin useful, please leave a positive review. Your reviews are our biggest motivation for further development of plugin.

Exención de responsabilidad

WP Encryption uses SSLLabs API for SSL scan & detection. By using the plugin, you agree to terms & conditions of SSLLabs

By enabling the Vulnerability Scan feature, you agree to terms & conditions of WPVulnerability Database API. The information provided by the information database comes from different sources that have been reviewed by third parties. There is no liability of any kind for the information.

La seguridad es un tema importante respecto a los certificados SSL/TLS, por supuesto. Es obvio que tu clave privada, almacenada en tu servidor web, nunca debe ser accesible desde la web. Cuando el plugin cree el directorio de claves por primera vez, almacenará un archivo .htaccess en este directorio, rechazando a todos los visitantes. ¡Asegúrate siempre de que tus claves no sean accesibles desde la web! No nos hacemos responsables de ningún modo si tus claves privadas se hacen públicas. Si esto ocurre, la solución más fácil es comprobar los permisos de las carpetas en tu servidor y asegurarte de que el acceso público está prohibido para las carpetas raíz. A continuación, crea un nuevo certificado.

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