
WP Gatsby Markdown Exporter

Export WordPress content to Markdown for GatsbyJS.
Última actualización
January 16, 2020
Instalaciones activas

The plugin creates zip files containing posts converted to Markdown. A WP-CLI command exists to handle exporting sites with a large amount of content.

  • Move WordPress content to Gatsby-friendly Markdown.
  • Customize the export! Remap and restructure exported fields.
  • CLI: Avoid PHP timeouts by using the command line with WP-CLI.
  • CLI: Export progress bar (great for large sites)!

Reminder: always keep a backup of the WordPress database and files in case your export doesn’t work as expected!

Working with Gatsby

If you’re just getting started with Gatsby, we recommend experimenting with a Markdown based Gatsby starter like Tina Grande. Installation is as easy as:

git clone cd tina-starter-grande yarn install && gatsby develop

Then copy your exported WordPress Markdown into the content directory or point the wp gatsby-markdown-export command at the content directory.

Want to port your WordPress or HTML theme to Gatsby? Checkout Porting an HTML Site to Gatsby for tips.

Command Line Usage

The command line functionality uses WP-CLI to interact with WordPress. WP-CLI is easy to install if you haven’t already.

Once it’s installed, you can export content to a directory like this:

wp gatsby-markdown-export --directory=/example/gatsby-starter/src/content

All CLI arguments are optional.

Option Description Default value

--help get help

--directory= export output directory random temp directory

--post_types= post types to export, see: page,post

--post_status= post status to export, see: any

--fields_to_markdown= fields to convert to Markdown excerpt

--excluded_front_matter= fields to exclude from front matter

--post_date_format= format for post publish date, see: c

--upload_dir= directory in the export to copy WordPress uploads uploads

--remap_fields= remap front matter field names, example: find1,replace1;find2,replace2

--fields_to_array= convert single value front matter fields to arrays

--include_private_fields= private post meta fields to include (they start with _)

--skip_copy_uploads flag, skips copying WordPress uploads to the export

--skip_original_images flag, skips the use of original dimension images

--skip_enforce_charset flag, skips use of blog_charset for the XML charset

--create_type_directory flag, creates directories based on post type

Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.