Detect Elementor Widgets used on pages, also detect not used Widgets or Missing Widgets.
Última actualización
June 16, 2024
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Widget Detector for Elementor

The plugin analyzes your pages and posts to find all Elementor Widgets that are used, not used or missing on certain pages and posts.

Designed as part of service and in some cases using API from, for example where you don’t have plugin installed to detect name based on widget key found in elementor content structure.

Also can detect elements even on third parity external websites.

This will help you to remove unused Elementor Widgets and optimize the speed of your website related to Elementor.

Or to Detect Missing Widget from accidentally deleted plugins on posts or pages.

Plugin also showing Elementor Elements/Widgets Position on specific page at same time to quickly find where exactly widget is used.

Also including functionality to show Which Elementor Addons / Widgets are used inside Elementor Editor On Element Hover.

In latest version will also detect Images Used in Elementor Structure Per Page, like stranfe filenames, filesize, image resolutions etc.

👑 Pro version also supports:

Deativate / activate specific unused Elementor Widgets CSV Exports Advanced Search and Filtering features Plugins Usage

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.