
Uptodown APK Download Widget

Añade información sobre cualquier aplicación Android (+3M de aplicaciones) a tu blog o sito móvil junto con información de APK downloads
Última actualización
February 12, 2024
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Uptodown APK Download Widget

This responsive widget allows your users to access and download APKs easily from different sources (Google Play and Uptodown). It’s ready to use as a WordPress widget via shortcode along with the Package Name for the App.

Uptodown is a major marketplace across the globe. Our objective is to offer all our content to users as quickly and comfortably as possible. We’re not the only ones out there. Google Play is the largest app store in the world. But, we aren’t a store. Taking over where they’re missing out, we offer a different service by supplying users with APK downloads for their apps. Along with these advantages we also provide: installs for obsolete versions of apps, safer back ups, and fewer or no hardware restrictions, etc.

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Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.