UpCast is a plugin that allows the customised display of podcasts (RSS) with special enhancements for podcasts from the upcast.me podcasting platform.
Última actualización
May 5, 2016
Instalaciones activas

UpCast allows you to customise and filter the display of podcast lists in posts, pages, and a sidebar widget. It handles images and thumbnails and other standard podcast fields. It also allows custom templates using shortcodes and HTML. For podcasts hosted on upcast.me it can filter by file attachments, show future items instead of past items, and identify the source of clicks for analytics.

The UpCast website is https://upcast.me


Use WordPress administration to set UpCast defaults, or just add the UpCast widget to a sidebar.

Or on a page or post, add the following tags:


[upcast feed=»» author=»Jon G» max=»6″ future=»on»]

Or for top-level podcast details:

[upcast_image feed=»»]

[upcast_thumbnail feed=»»]

[upcast_rss feed=»»]



Version History

v1.0.0 Initial release

v1.1 Fixes

v1.2 Added search bar

Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
Te puedes descargar este plugin para utilizarlo en tu instalación autoalojada de WordPress.