Records which user trashed a post and when they trashed it. Displays that info as columns in admin trashed posts listings.
Última actualización
July 21, 2021
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Trashed By

This plugin records which user actually trashed a post, which in a multi-author environment may not always be the original post author. This helps to maintain accountability for who was ultimately responsible for deleting a post. It also records when the post got trashed.

The admin listing of trashed posts is amended with new «Trashed By» and «Trashed On» columns that shows the name of the person who trashed the post or page and the date the post was trashed, respectively.

The plugin makes no assumption about who trashed a post, or when, for posts that were trashed prior to the use of this plugin (since the plugin could not have directly recorded information about the post’s trashing). The «Trashed By» and «Trashed On» values for those posts will remain empty. Put another way, only posts or pages trashed while this plugin is active will have the user who trashed the post/page and that date recorded.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage

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