
Stop Emails (Detener Emails)

Bloquea todos los correos electrónicos salientes enviados desde WordPress.
Última actualización
March 29, 2024
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Stop Emails  (Detener Emails)

Stops outgoing emails sent from WordPress. This plugin stops outgoing emails generated by WordPress core, plugins, and themes. Emails sent using the wp_mail() function, will not be sent. In the case where an author does not use the recommended wp_mail() function and instead sends the email using another mechanism, an email will still be sent.

This plugin allows you to suspend sending emails when doing development work. Any calls to wp_mail() will fail silently. WordPress will operate as if the email were sent successfully but no email will actually be sent.

On the admin menu page Settings > Stop Emails, there is the option to log all emails to the PHP error log. By default this logging is disabled.

NOTE: If using the PHP mail() function directly, this plugin will NOT stop the emails.

Built by Sal Ferrarello / @salcode

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