Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube.
Última actualización
February 13, 2015
Instalaciones activas
Social Hashtags

Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube. Stores thumbnails & details locally for each one in a custom post type so you have full control over the content on your site. This allows you to categorize, make private/public, etc and include them any wayt hat you like on your pages.

Extendable to include twitter, telportd and others as well.

We first developed this for the original Kony2012 site, it was a huge hit. Sorry that it took so long to get it into the WordPress plugins.

Update Plans

We are going to upgrade twitter to oAuth, and clean up the layout.

Instalaciones activas
Probado hasta
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